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08 February, 2022


Morley Companies Discloses Ransomware Attack - 6 Months Later

08 February, 2022

Six months after suffering ransomware attack, Business Service Provider Morely Companies began notifying individuals impacted by the event.

Saginaw, Michigan - A provider of business services disclosed it had been hit by ransomware attack on August 1, 2021 that enabled hackers to steal data belonging to current employees, former employees and some clients.

Morely Companies, founded in 1863, offers business services to Fortune 500 and Global 100 clients that include contact centers & back office processing, meetings & incentives management, and exhibits & displays production.

Morley suspects that names, addresses, social security numbers, birth dates, client identification numbers, medical diagnostic and treatment information, and health insurance information were obtained in the cyber attack.

The company claimed they hired “independent cybersecurity experts,” an apparent reference to managed security service providers and cyber forensic analysts. However, Morley did not disclose which MSSPs or cyber firms it had engaged. In addition, Morley said that once it learned its infrastructure had been compromised it took “steps in response to this incident” to lock down its environment.

Following an investigation, Morley Companies determined that the cyber attackers stole the personal information of more than 520,000 individuals, including data belonging to Morley’s employees, contractors and clients, BleepingComputer reported. At this point, Morley said it has not seen any evidence indicating the misuse of any information potentially involved in this incident. Morley said it has notified those potentially affected by the cyber event and has provided a number of resources to help them, including steps to protect their personal information, notify their financial institutions and other credit protection measures.

Aegis Defender Pro already blocks the IP Addresses used by these Ransomware attackers and stops any computer with Aegis Defender Pro Firewall Updater installed will not be able to communicate with the Ransomware servers, effectively rendering it useless. Find our more at their website,